By Colin Stevens on January 6, 2018 ‐ 10:03 am

If you run any webservers and have tried to secure them with HTTPS, you are probably well aware of the sorry state of SSL CAs and the structure of issuing certificates. In order to get a trusted cert and not shell out hundreds of dollars, most people turned to one of the only viable options, StartSSL. While this solution worked, it required some knowledge of how certificate chains worked, and some manual certificate generation along with dealing with a pretty terrible web interface.

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By Colin Stevens on January 16, 2016 ‐ 02:03 am

Semantic-UI is a really neat and pretty alternative to other UI libraries (like bootstrap), not to mention the fact that it’s heavily community driven. However, its documentation – despite being mostly thorough – is just vague enough in all the right places to cause some major headaches. For example, their fairly new tabbing system.

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By Colin Stevens on May 17, 2015 ‐ 08:53 pm

A lot of times math can get pretty dry when it stays only in the theoretical and abstract realm too long. While word problems are the bane of many students, in a lot of ways they can really make some mathematical concepts interesting by bringing some of the abstract down into some pretty useful concrete methods of getting at some useful numbers.

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By Colin Stevens on July 14, 2014 ‐ 10:34 pm

You want to encrypt an entire disk with LUKS and don’t know how? Good, read on.

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